Transformational Change Expert | Master Facilitator | Prosci Certified Change Leader


Carla Howard

I have a passion for leading transformational change, effective communication, coaching, and problem solving creates significant value to the bottom line. I excel at supporting people through difficult change by ensuring plans are in place that deliver effective communications, coaching, training, and management support.

My approach is a blend of technical skills with a focus on influence, which I have found to be the recipe for successful transformation. I'm sure that's why this quote by Harry S Truman has always resonated with me, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."

I’ve had many great mentors and sponsors throughout my career, with the best being my parents. Growing up with a father in the Coast Guard required our family to move every 2 – 3 years. The experience of being a military brat taught me how to adjust quickly (change agility), connect with new people (networking), and learn the unspoken rules necessary to succeed (politics). I learned the value of observation and active listening at an early age, these lessons influence my professional approach and leadership style today.